If this is your first camera, then you may have a compact (has a lens that you can not change) or ans SLR (Single Lens Reflex) unit with interchangable lenses...

No matter which you have, you have just picked up a gadget with many buttons, features, and controls.

Before anything else...I would say READ THE INSTRUCTIONS....let me say it again...READ THE INSTRUCTIONS!!!!

I do not know which camera you have so you may need to refer to the instrcution manual from time to time to find certain features.

Now lets begin...

On your camera there will be a "mode selection" control. This is usually a wheel but may be two buttons instead. There are likely to be a few different "modes" available to you...
  • Auto (Auto) - This tells the camera to control everything for you and takes away any input from you except where to point the lens and when to press the shutter release button.
  • Program (P) - Much like the "auto" mode but this mode allows you a little control but lets the camera make all the calculations for getting the best image for you.
  • Shutter Priority (S) - This mode allows you to select the shutter speed but lets the camera work out the rest.
  • Aperture Priority (A) - This mode allows you to select the lens aperture but lets the camera work out the rest.
  • Manual (M) - You make ALL the decisions here!
You may also have some Icons for "landscape mode-portrait mode-sports etc... these are in fact limited versions of the above modes.

For now...
Select Program mode (P) and let the camera make your choices for you! Dont worry...we'll progress through to M eventually and all will be explained along the way.

We can now go take some pictures!!!!